Thank You for the Blog of the Year Award (2012)

I am so honoured and actually so “wowed” to receive this award from the amazing summerteifi.  A hearty thank you to her, and to all the readers who have stopped by and given me valuable feedback.  I have enjoyed very much writing the posts, following the bloggers, and knowing that my viewers are from 85 countries!

Blog of the Year Award 1 star jpeg

I am now following about 40 blogs, and I love all of them.  I would like to pass on the baton to the following blogs which particularly inspire me:

The honest and inspiring Tracie Louise Photography

The spiritual Cauldrons and Cupcakes

The awesome retireediary

The beautiful Stefania’s

The talented photographyofnia

The artsy le zoe musings

The touching Morning Story and Dilbert

The thought-provoking only here only now

The delicious in pursuit of more


Now, to answer the questions from summerteifi:

What do you most like about yourself?

I am a fundamental optimist, and do not carry grudges.  I believe people call me kind.

What makes you giddy with excitement?

Whenever a music Maestro, or a great play comes to town!

What’s your favourite place or part of nature, and why?

I always love the water: rivers, beaches, lakes, ponds.  I think because according to the 5 Chinese elements, I am a “Wood” person, and I just love water!

What is the one thing you really want to learn how to do?

Build a small garden of organic herbs, veggie and fruits in my balcony!

If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be?

This one really makes me think hard – it will be a doctor in the emergency room, saving lives!


Respectful of your time, I have just 3 questions for my nominated blogger friends:

1.  If you have to share only one advice with us, what would it be?

2.  Is there an inflection point in your life that changes you, and how?

3.  What is your most favourite dish?

Thank you, and Happy New Year to you all!!!

10 thoughts on “Thank You for the Blog of the Year Award (2012)

  1. Congratulations on your nomination! It is well deserved, dear simplecherishes!
    Thank you! Thank you with all my heart, dear simplecherishes, for your appreciation and nomination! I appreciate it! I feel so honored!
    Warm wishes for the New Year for you!
    Big hugs always with love,
    Stefania! 🙂

  2. I love the way that these awards are shared and passed on. For me, they symbolize the generous and kind spirit that I have found in this new community of writers.

    Thank you so much for this kindness.

    San Francisco is a special place and your posts take me there.

    Best wishes for a wondrous New Year.


    1. Thanks so much Nia! May your wishes come true in 2013! I also look forward to seeing more of your photos and handicrafts – they are amazing! Warmest wishes from simple cherishes.

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