A Buy-Nothing Holiday

(photo courtesy of Renee Philips)

Thanksgiving and Christmas are seasons of giving but one can feel a bit stressed thinking about what to gift your friends, families, business associates or even your doorman and even more stressed when you go out and buy the stuff.  All the Black Monday, Cyber Monday deal ads have added to this craziness that you have to buy something to take advantage of a good deal!

So I was very enlightened by Zen Habits‘ article to pledge to buy nothing (except necessities, of course) until 2013!

We don’t always have to buy something for ourselves or for other people – we can just be good to ourselves by reading a good book, relaxing with a cup of tea or just taking a walk.  For others, I can think of inviting them to my place for a cup of tea to chat, inviting them to hike together, cooking something for them, playing some piano music for them, sponsoring a charity cause, calling an old friend to catch up or even sharing with them a fantastic iPhone App that would make them smile!  Or, just be a good friend and listen!

I will chip in to buy nothing until 2013 but be very creative!  Happy Holidays!